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Pria terpendek di dunia ( the world's shortest man )

Chandra bahadur Dangi : Seorang warga negara Nepal,berusia 72- tahun, hanya memiliki tinggi badan 56 cm atau 22 inci (DAILY MAIL  memberitakan 15/02/2012 ) . Dulu nya dia merasa malu karena tinggi tubuh nya,tapi sekarang hidup nya di ambang perubahan jika dia mendapat pengakuan resmi dari GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS.                                                                                                                                          (Chandra Bahadur Dangi: A citizen of Nepal, aged 72 - years old, only has a height 56 cm or 22 inches (DAILY MAIL preach 02/15/2012). Her first she was embarrassed because of his height, but now on the verge of changing his life if he received official recognition from the Guinness Book of Records ).

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